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Why NBS Partnered With EY? And Why Did EY Choose NBS Ahmedabad – The First MBA College In West To Integrate CAFTA Program

Why NBS Partnered With EY? And Why Did EY Choose NBS Ahmedabad - The First MBA College In West To Integrate CAFTA Program

Just in – Narayana Business School Ahmedabad receives IIRF 2024 rankings as the 3rd Best B School In Gujarat. And to top it all, NBS Ahmedabad announces its first strategic partnership with Ernst & Young (EY) to introduce the CAFTA program. Narayana Business School has distinguished itself through a legacy of academic excellence and innovative learning approaches. Founded on the principles of ‘learning by doing’, NBS encourages a culture where questioning and practical application form the core of the educational experience.

This collaboration marks NBS as the first MBA college in the Western region to offer the CAFTA program, setting a new benchmark for business education in India.

Joining the CAFTA (Certificate in Applied Finance, Treasury, and Analytics) program is like setting sail on a thrilling adventure alongside the experienced crew of EY’s professionals, who hail from diverse sectors such as banking, corporate life, consulting, NBFCs, and insurance. It’s not just another academic pursuit; it’s a chance to soak up wisdom from those who’ve navigated the highs and lows of the financial seas. By the time you reach the end of the journey, you’re not just armed with knowledge; you’re equipped with practical skills and confidence to tackle whatever challenges come your way in the financial world. It’s not just about the destination; it’s about the journey and the people you meet along the way. And with NBS x CAFTA, you’ll meet some of the best guides to navigate this exciting voyage.

Over the years, NBS has achieved remarkable milestones, including higher IIFR rankings, smashing placement records with top 10% getting placed at 17 LPA, top 25% with 12.8 LPA, and top 50% at 10.6LPA, averaging a 9.1 LPA for the batches of 2021-2023. With more than 670 corporate recruiters, showcasing the exceptional quality of its pedagogy and its graduates’ readiness to excel in various industries​​.

NBS offers a diverse array of programs, including PGDM with Dual Specialization, PGDM in Data Science & Analytics, PGDM in Quantitative Finance, and an MBA + PGPCE, and NOW EY’s CAFTA Program. These programs are designed to equip students for versatile roles within organizations or to foster an entrepreneurial mindset. By incorporating industry-renowned certifications and crash courses, Narayana Business School ensures its curriculum remains relevant and comprehensive, covering essential skills in data analytics, big data, machine learning, and more​​​.

Narayana Business School has consistently set benchmarks in the domain of business education, fostering an environment of excellence and innovation. With its inception in the year 2000, NBS has been at the forefront of offering specialized programs that cater to the multifaceted demands of the industry​​. NBS Ahmedabad’s partnership with EY for the CAFTA program is a bold step towards redefining business education. By aligning its curriculum with the demands of the industry and focusing on areas like data science and business analytics, NBS is effectively preparing its students for the future​​. This initiative reflects the B School’s efforts to excellence and its dedication to contributing positively to the educational landscape and the business community at large.

The CAFTA program stands as a pioneering initiative, designed to arm students with the skills needed to navigate the complexities of the modern financial landscape. It aims to create professionals who are not only proficient in theoretical knowledge but also possess the practical skills demanded by the industry.

Imagine sitting around a table with these experts, swapping stories and diving deep into real-life scenarios that bring finance theory to life. They’re not just teachers; they’re mentors, guiding you through the choppy waters of risk, the bustling ports of financial markets, and the intricate maps of statistical analysis. As you journey through the program, you start with the basics, laying a solid foundation like building blocks for a sturdy house. But this isn’t just about memorizing formulas; it’s about understanding how they apply in the real world. And as you progress, you will be introduced to more advanced topics, like unlocking treasure chests filled with knowledge on treasury management, investment strategies, risk management, and corporate finance.

The CAFTA program having 14 basic and core modules will be inculcated in Narayana Business School’s Flagship MBA and PGDM courses

EY’s choice to partner with Narayana Business School can be understood by examining successful global academic-business partnerships. These collaborations often succeed due to mutual commitment, aligned visions, and the unique blend of academic and practical business insights that institutions like NBS offer. Partnerships like these provide a rich ground for innovation, cross-cultural learning, and developing future business leaders with a global outlook. Moreover, they facilitate a deep engagement with real-world business challenges, allowing companies like EY to tap into fresh talent equipped with cutting-edge skills and knowledge.

The big four’s decision to partner with NBS was influenced by the school’s impressive track record, its emphasis on practical learning, and its visionary leadership in the field of business education. NBS Ahmedabad’s achievements, including its extensive corporate recruiter network and its commitment to fostering a culture of research and innovation, made it an ideal partner for EY​​​​.

EY’s selection of Narayana Business School for its partnership reflects a strategic alignment of visions and values between the two institutions. This decision was not made lightly but was based on several compelling factors that underline NBS’s standing in the academic and business world.

NBS has established itself as a beacon of academic excellence with a curriculum that emphasizes not just theoretical knowledge but practical application. This approach aligns with EY’s objective to work with institutions that prepare students for the real-world challenges they will face in the workforce. NBS’s curriculum, designed around the principle of learning by doing, ensures that students are not just knowledgeable but are also adept at applying this knowledge practically.

The impressive network of corporate recruiters associated with NBS demonstrates the institution’s strong ties with the industry. This network is not just a testament to the quality of education and students at NBS but also indicates a robust ecosystem that facilitates the transition of students from academia to industry. For EY, partnering with an institution that has such a vibrant industry connection means access to a talent pool that is already familiar with the demands and dynamics of the business world.

NBS’s commitment to fostering a culture of research and innovation was another crucial factor in EY’s decision. This environment encourages students and faculty to engage in continuous learning, exploration, and application of new ideas and technologies. Such a culture aligns with EY’s own values of innovation and excellence, ensuring that graduates from NBS are not just prepared for the current landscape but are also equipped to lead and adapt to future changes in the business world.

The visionary leadership at NBS, which has consistently pushed the boundaries of traditional education to make it more relevant, practical, and in tune with the needs of the business world, also played a significant role in EY’s choice. This leadership has successfully cultivated an educational environment that prioritizes holistic development, critical thinking, and adaptability among its students.

NBS’s approach to education and its curriculum design are in alignment with global standards, preparing students to excel in a competitive international environment. This global perspective is crucial for companies like EY, which operate across borders and require a workforce that is culturally competent and can navigate global markets effectively.

EY’s choice of NBS as a partner was driven by a comprehensive evaluation of the school’s ability to provide a forward-thinking, practical, and globally relevant education. This partnership reflects a shared commitment to excellence, innovation, and the development of future leaders equipped to address the complexities of the modern business landscape. Through collaborations like these, both institutions aim to bridge the gap between academia and industry, creating pathways for students to achieve remarkable success in their careers.

NBS’s journey is marked by significant milestones, including its recognition as a leading institution for data science and business  education. This distinction underscores the B School’s adaptability and foresight in integrating cutting-edge technologies and methodologies into its curriculum, thereby preparing students for the complexities of the modern business world​​.

With CAFTA, students and professionals at NBS now have an unprecedented opportunity to learn from some of the best minds in the industry. This segment will cover the program’s impact on career prospects, industry readiness, and the broader vision of creating a community of well-rounded, industry-savvy professionals

The collaboration between NBS and EY for the CAFTA program was born out of a mutual recognition of the need to cultivate a workforce that is adept in applied finance, treasury, and analytics. EY, with its global footprint and expertise in finance and analytics, found an ideal partner in NBS, which is renowned for its forward-thinking approach to business education and its emphasis on practical learning experiences.

EY’s choice of NBS as a partner speaks volumes about the business school’s reputation, academic excellence, and commitment to innovation. This section will discuss what made NBS stand out and how this partnership aligns with EY’s objectives to nurture talent and foster continuous learning. This partnership is more than just an academic collaboration; it’s a statement on the future direction of business education. This collaboration not only benefits students by providing them with unparalleled exposure to industry practices but also enriches the business ecosystem by introducing well-prepared professionals capable of navigating the challenges of tomorrow’s markets. The program’s focus on real-world applications, underpinned by the expertise of EY, ensures that graduates are not just theoretically proficient but are also adept at applying their knowledge in practical scenarios.

The collaboration between NBS and EY through the CAFTA program marks a significant milestone in the convergence of academia and industry. It exemplifies how strategic partnerships can enhance the quality of education, making it more relevant and impactful for students. As NBS continues to pioneer innovative educational practices, its partnership with EY will undoubtedly serve as a model for others to follow, fostering a new era of business education that is both dynamic and inclusive.

“We invite aspiring business leaders and professionals to explore the CAFTA program at NBS Ahmedabad. By choosing NBS, you’re not just selecting an institution; you’re opting for a transformative journey that will equip you with the tools to excel in the global business arena. Join us in this exciting journey to redefine the boundaries of business education and to carve out your own success story in the corporate world”

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